In search of: Better everything (including sex)
By: health
April 19, 2013
We want you to be happy. (Because from our perspective, you’re effing fantastic and you deserve it.) But just in case there’s something you’d like to improve, here’s a little list to help you get things going in a new and better direction. Better relationships. Here’s what a psychologist , a men’s guide to life […]
Get informed, get healthy, get talking!
By: health
March 26, 2013
Healthy, happy children come from healthy, happy, well-prepared parents. After years working with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health raising awareness about the high rates of infant mortality in the United States (we rank 40th in the world compared to other industrialized nations) I decided focusing on the […]
We need to talk: How to reveal something they may not want to hear
By: health
November 2, 2012
First the good news: What you think is a deal breaker might not be a big deal to the person you’re dating. Now some bad news: You’re going to have to have the talk to find out. Here are a few tips to get you through it. I’m a virgin If you strongly self-identify as […]
Wondering how to start a conversation? Open your mouth and say…
By: health
September 16, 2011
Are you good at chatting up the barista when you grab your toasted marshmallow double latte, but sucky when it comes to talking to your crush? Let’s fix that. “Hello, my name is” aka The First Conversation If you can get past the fear factor of speaking to someone you’re attracted to—whom you have not […]
Deal breakers: Does your relationship have a hurdle you can’t get past?
By: health
April 15, 2011
Being in love is awesome. It makes you feel like you can conquer anything. But in reality, even love doesn’t guarantee that you and he are 100% compatible. Most couples have at least one big issue where they don’t see eye to eye and if it isn’t addressed, it can ruin a good thing. Here’s […]
Ask a man: Where the greatest guys we know answer our sex questions
By: health
March 18, 2011
We spend a lot of time guessing what guys are thinking, so we finally decided to ask one. These answers come from one of our favorite men. We asked for brutal honesty. He delivered. Question #1: What do you really notice about girls when we go out? Is it really important that we’re all decked […]
Pillow talk: How to ask him to share the cost of contraception
By: health
June 18, 2010
Flowers. A mocha latte with extra foam. Tampons that time you were running low and he was already at the store. Your guy may treat you to some really nice things, but does he chip in toward your birth control? Do you want him to? Sometimes you need to share the cost of contraception and […]