What to do if you are refused birth control
By: health
June 13, 2016
The get-away weekend we planned would be picture perfect: three days in a cozy guesthouse near the ocean. Day hikes tracing the tracks of a moose through the snow. Evenings with board games by the warmth of a woodstove. Nights cozied up under layers of woolen blankets, our tired legs tangled up to share warmth. […]
Men’s health and the Affordable Care Act: What’s covered?
By: health
April 18, 2016
UPDATE: President Biden has opened the enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act health insurance plans for 2022. You can now enroll in one of these plans until January 15, 2022, at healthcare.gov . Some states have their own open enrollment periods and websites for signing up. Check to see if your state does . […]
Goodbye waiting rooms: How to get health care online
By: health
April 7, 2016
Too busy for a trip to see a health care provider, or live really far away from one? Using a telemedicine service (a.k.a. a “virtual visit” with a provider), you can skip the waiting room and communicate with a provider using your phone or computer—from home or any other private location. Although it doesn’t work […]
When should I start getting Pap smears?
By: health
February 1, 2016
Women should start getting Pap smears at age 21 , and continue to get one every three years until they’re 30. Women 30 to 65 may be able to get screened even less frequently—every three to five years. Women with certain risk factors may need to have more frequent Pap smears, so talk to your […]
When should I start going to the gynecologist or a health clinic?
By: health
February 1, 2016
It’s ideal to start visiting a gynecologist before you start having sex . If you don’t have any health problems, these visits just involve talking with your health care provider. All women should start getting Pap smears and pelvic exams beginning at age 21. original post
Why does my doctor ask if I’m thinking about getting pregnant in the next year?
By: health
December 1, 2015
Health care providers want you to have the most appropriate, up-to-date care possible . If a woman wants to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, her health care provider can share information about birth control options . On the other hand, if a woman wants to conceive within the next year, her provider may offer resources to […]
How often do I need a Pap smear?
By: health
December 1, 2015
All women should start getting Pap smears at age 21. From age 21 to 30, women should have a Pap smear every three years. Women 30 and up who have had three normal Pap smears in a row can switch to getting the test once every three years. Women with certain risk factors may need […]
How do I talk to my doctor about birth control?
By: health
December 1, 2015
Talking about your birth control options and personal sexual health history to a stranger may be a little nerve-racking at first—but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve covered step by step how to get the most out of talking to your health care provider to make sure you find the method that’s best for you. […]
Staying healthy in your 20s: What to do, who to see, and when
By: health
May 8, 2015
Your 20s are a big deal. You go from your teens to your thirties—when shiz really starts getting real. And if you didn’t feel like an adult when you started, you probably will when age 29 rolls around. Here’s a list to keep you healthy every step of the way. Print it out or bookmark […]
Is birth control info missing from chronic condition care?
By: health
July 2, 2014
There are a bunch of common health conditions —like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and obesity—that affect U.S. women under age 45. Women who have chronic health conditions like these are more likely to visit a health care provider regularly than those who don’t, yet they may also be more likely to have accidental pregnancies […]