To shave or not to shave?
By: health
February 22, 2017
A recent study made major headlines by showing a possible link between pubic hair grooming and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). People who shaved, waxed, or trimmed a lot were more likely to have had an STI than those who left their pubic hair au natural or even those who touched it up once in a […]
This is your junk on booze
By: health
December 27, 2016
A lot of folks believe that drinking can be a good way to warm up for sex. A glass of wine or beer may relax you, but more is not better in the case of booze and sex. Alcohol can seriously mess with your sex life, and I don’t just mean for daily drinkers or […]
The real deal about aphrodisiacs
By: health
November 8, 2016
The ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Indo-Africans all had a wide range of potions, roots, and weeds said to increase female desire and male performance. Sometimes called aphrodisiacs (after the Greek word for sexual pleasure and the goddess Aphrodite), these mythical substances were known not just for improving performance but for instantly overwhelming even the […]
Are guys big whiners or does hormonal birth control for men actually suck?
By: health
November 3, 2016
A new study about a male birth control shot was recently released, but it’s safe to say this method will not be marketed as the first new birth control for guys since the middle ages . Why not? A couple of reasons, but not the ones many of the headlines are emphasizing. Yes, there were […]
5 myths about virginity, busted
By: health
October 31, 2016
What is a virgin? The word is generally understood to refer to someone who’s never had sex, but that leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Does oral sex count? If a woman only has sex with other women, is she a virgin? A woman who has only experienced forcible intercourse or rape is considered […]
Does hormonal birth control cause depression?
By: health
October 24, 2016
TLDR: A Danish study found that women using hormonal birth control were more likely to experience depression compared to women not using hormonal birth control. What many headlines didn’t mention was that the risk of depression in both groups was quite low (around 2%), and that several factors make it tricky to interpret this study’s […]
OMGYes! Female pleasure gets scientific
By: health
September 25, 2016
Between the 15th and 18th centuries, a few different scientist guys argued over which one of them could rightfully claim they “discovered” the clitoris. Once they realized the small sexual organ functioned solely for female pleasure (while some maintained it had no function at all), interest started to wane. Today we still have no idea […]
From Hep A to Zika: 9 infections you didn’t know were STIs
By: health
August 24, 2016
You probably know the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs, a.k.a. STDs), like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, HPV, HIV, and herpes. But did you know that there are dozens of less-well-known bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be sexually transmitted? Here are nine more infections you should know about, from A to Zika. ABCs Hepatitis […]
Monkey business: Duck anatomy
By: health
August 19, 2016
Duckies. You know those cute, quacking, let’s-feed-them-down-by-the-pond ducks? Well, they are one of the few kinds of bird with actual penises and they kind of give new meaning to monster wang . Harlequin ducks have a straight snub-tipped penis. Mallards have ones that are shaped like a corkscrew. And the Argentine lake duck’s penis is […]
Happy, healthy vaginas: What’s safe to use down there?
By: health
April 20, 2016
Between getting it on, having our periods, and just generally staying healthy, there are a whole lot of products we use on—and in—our vaginas. There’s also a whole lot of public talk about the potential risks of things we use down there. What’s the real impact of all of those products on our bodies and […]