What birth control methods are safe for people who just gave birth?
By: health
November 12, 2021
While the Paragard and hormonal methods that don’t contain estrogen—the shot, the Mirena IUD, the implant and the mini-pill—are safe for people who are postpartum to use immediately after giving birth, combination pills, which contain estrogen, shouldn’t be used until three weeks after giving birth, since estrogen can increase a postpartum person’s risk of blood […]
How can birth control help an ovarian cyst?
By: health
November 9, 2021
One of the main ways hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy is by stopping ovulation—so the egg never leaves the carton, so to speak. The pill, the patch, the ring, and the shot are most reliable at blocking ovulation, so people using these methods may have fewer ovarian cysts . If you tend to get ovarian […]
I heard that hormone-filled pee is killing our fish and harming the environment. Is taking hormonal birth control bad for our water?
By: health
November 3, 2021
Any form of birth control is better than no birth control when it comes to the environment . But let’s look a little closer at the claim that hormones in birth control are getting into the environment through pee. The simple answer is: yes, it is. But—and this is a big but—it is small compared […]
What’s an ovarian cyst?
By: health
November 2, 2021
A cyst is basically a bubble—a collection of fluid with a thin wall around it. Functional cysts are formed when a follicle (the fluid-filled sac that develops around an egg during ovulation) grows larger than expected . Sometimes they can cause un-fun symptoms like abdominal discomfort, pelvic pain, pain during bowel movements, or pain during […]
Can ibuprofen help reduce heavy periods and irregular bleeding?
By: health
November 2, 2021
Yes. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, like naproxen, can decrease menstrual flow and cramping. So if you have heavy or painful periods, your health care provider may recommend taking ibuprofen to help reduce heavy flow and/or cramping. It can also help reduce the irregular bleeding that is sometimes a side effect of progestin-only birth control methods […]
Fact check: 10 things that aren’t birth control and 17 things that are
By: health
June 12, 2019
Good news and bad news, folks. The bad news is that the following 10 groceries are NOT birth control: Papaya Neem Asafoetida Figs Ginger Smartweed Wild yam Pennyroyal Black cohosh Angelica The good news is that these 17 things ARE proven methods of preventing pregnancy! And if what you’re after is something that doesn’t have […]
Can pharmacists really prescribe birth control?
By: health
January 9, 2019
If it seems to you that taking time off work, finding transportation to a clinic and paying for a doctor’s visit is a lot of work to get birth control, you’re not alone. In fact, ACOG, a professional association of ob-gyns, has suggested that birth control should be available over the counter to improve access […]
5 signs it’s time to switch birth control methods
By: health
September 24, 2018
Ever feel stuck in a job or a relationship that just isn’t working for you, but you’re not sure how to get out of it? The right partner might be hard to find (and the right job might be even harder) but the right birth control method for you doesn’t have to be. Look, we’re […]
Real Stories: Birth control from the boyfriend perspective
By: health
August 1, 2017
If you’ve ever wondered what dudes think about birth control, look no further. For the videos below, we asked guys in relationships to walk us through what they like and don’t like about their girlfriend’s method of birth control. And what did we learn? These guys all have at least one thing in common: They’re […]
Real Stories: 5 women on how birth control is helping them win their future
By: health
July 25, 2017
For some of us, the nine-to-five grind is a much more comfortable speed than ‘round-the-clock parenting—at least for now. For others, babies aren’t in the picture at all. And though being a working woman and a mom can be an amazing and rewarding combo, some moments are probably better for bringing kids into the mix […]